The Rising Strategic Value Of Global Technology Assets And Its Impact On Sino-Israel Relations

Chinese investment in Israeli technology in 2016 increased ten-fold over the previous year. With ten bilateral agreements recently signed between the two nations valued at $25 billion, China – Israel relations appear to be moving along a steady economic trajectory. This growth, however, is based primarily on China’s need for Israel’s innovative technology. This begs the question, are Sino-Israel relations vulnerable to a fall in the value of global technology asset? In this SIGNAL Perspective, Ariella Berger, draws on the metaphor of the perfect storm to contend that four converging factors: the rising relevance of Artificial Intelligence as a critical asset that accelerates technology convergence; the high demand for technology assets in America being spurred by Trump’s plan to resuscitate US manufacturing; The relevance of technology for China’s Belt and Road Initiative; and the consequences of the closing technological gap between advanced economies suggest that Sino-Israel relations are likely to remain prosperous as the strategic value of technology, in the mid-term, appears set to increase.

SIGNAL Senior Fellow, Ariella Berger runs UnBounded Research, a strategic consultancy based in the heart of Tel Aviv Israel, with deep connections to the multidisciplinary networks, institutions, start-ups and technologists that make up Israel’s high-tech hub. A keynote speaker and seasoned Start-up Advisor, from 2009 to 2016 Ariella was Head of Energy and Oil Alternatives Research at IEP. an influential economics think tank where she worked closely with government, academia and industry. Prior to this she held senior positions in finance, business and investment.